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Showing posts with label Employers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Employers. Show all posts

Saturday, March 25, 2017

How Work Friendships Benefit Your Business

Ark-shaped FRIENDSHIP banner.
Our world is changing, so are human relationships particularly in the workplace. These days, nearly everyone wants to get along with other people to build beneficial relationships. If you run a business and you employ people, you too may want your employees to get along well with one another. Here is some good news for you. The Gallup Organization has found out that friendship among employees is highly beneficial to any business. In times past, it was thought that friendships between employees generally led to goofing off and petty gossiping at work thereby wasting precious time. Thanks to research, we now know that having close friends at work confers a variety of benefits not only on employees, but also on the companies they work for.

Since the benefits are both ways, smart employers now actively encourage work friendships among their employees. Below are some of the very glaring benefits companies and their employees derive from work friendships:

01. Employees who have best friends at work are more productive than others.
02. They enjoy more work satisfaction.
03. More women benefit greatly from the social interaction they get from work friendships.
04. Employees who feel a deep connection with their team members are more likely to take positive actions that benefit the business.
05. Employees who have a best friend at work are less likely to leave their jobs.
06. When employees have good friends at work, it positively affects company profitability, safety, inventory control and customer loyalty.

Can you see why smart business owners now actively encourage their employees to be good friends and to make good friends at work?

Thursday, December 08, 2016

You Need a Pleasing Personality to Sell

“Everybody lives by selling something.” --- Robert Louis Stevenson

A pleasing personality is such an all-embracing quality that it practically touches on all characteristics that make you a human being. Specifically:

You must be able to dress decently and turn-out appropriately to fit any occasion. This does not necessarily mean you have to dress in an expensive manner but if you can afford to, why not? Some employers, particularly Banks pay their employees “dressing allowance” to enable them turn-out very well at all times to fit the corporate image of the company. Good dressing works almost like magic in the business world. When you go looking for employment, your appearance alone can disqualify you even before anyone bothers to ask you a question to find out what you know. This further underscores the importance of good dressing.

Your posture and body-carriage say a lot about your personality. You must be able to carry yourself well, look and act smartly to improve on your pleasing personality.

As a Salesperson, you must have some measure of showmanship to impress customers.

You must be able to “pose” for effects but be sure that it is not over dramatized. Good Salespersons must be good Show-persons.

You must have some poise and some air of self-confidence. These qualities help to build trust and also add to your personality.

You must be tactful and courteous in dealing with people. Weigh what you want to say thoroughly before saying it. Avoid loose and discourteous statements when presenting a case.

You must be a good listener but should be able to display real personal magnetism.
You should never talk-down on Customers.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

7 Great Opportunities to Negotiate a Raise with Your Employer

Prototype red roof house on top of a wad of dollar bills and calculator.
Whether in business or social life, it is inevitable that everyone has to negotiate. However, to negotiate successfully, timing is very crucial to the outcome. What ordinarily you may have been able to get easily, if your timing is poor, you could lose it. In any employment, keen observation and a quick decision on when to act, most times makes the difference between success and failure. For this reason, one person may succeed to get something out of a boss while some other person may fail woefully in similar attempt. The key is timing. It is of utmost importance to know when to take the opportunity to negotiate with your employer either for a raise or for some other concessions. The following opportunities come in very handy if you want to successfully negotiate a raise with your employer.

01. When your employer is in a very good mood. All humans have mood changes from time to time. Some persons experience these changes more frequently than others depending on individual differences. If you are able to time your employer very well, you can always seize the opportunity to initiate the matter of a raise with her when she is in a very good mood. At such times, your chances of success could be very good.

02. When you have just completed a major project successfully. As an employee, any time you are able to deliver to expectations on your job, it makes your employer happy. Such times usually present a very good opportunity to negotiate a raise.

03. When company reports indicate that the company’s earnings are up. Most employers are always in upbeat moods when their company’s earnings are up. Such periods are usually good opportunities for smart employees to negotiate a raise.

04. When you have just acquired a new training or skill useful to the company. With a new skill or training in your kitty, your value to your company usually increases. That is a very good opportunity to negotiate a raise. A good employer will at such times accede to a raise if she wants to retain you. If not, she knows she could lose your services to rival employers. 

05. When you have just brought in a very good and profitable business for the company. Only very valuable employees bring good businesses to their companies. If you are able to do that, it will make your employer happy. Negotiating a raise with her at that moment could earn you a very sympathetic and favorable hearing.

06. When your employer’s confidence in you is at the highest. Many employers do have plenty of confidence in employees who always deliver on promise. Any time you are able to deliver successfully on some valuable projects that earn you the commendation of your employer, such times are okay to negotiate a raise.

07. When you have just made a significant amount of money for your company. The bottom-line in any business is to make money. Employees who are good at helping their companies to make money are very valuable employees. If you are able to make a significant amount of money for your company and your employer acknowledges it, the time is conducive to negotiate a raise.

Many employers know that no employee wants to earn a fixed salary in perpetuity. Employees who are capable of making themselves extremely valuable to their employment and are able to time their moves very well usually get raises from their employers if they ask. With keen observation and action taken when the time is ripe and proper, more often than not, you can always succeed to negotiate a raise with your employer. That is what many smart employees know which enables them to get a raise from their employers anytime they ask for it.