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Wednesday, July 03, 2019

How Some Digital Marketing Trends are Fading Out

Kitchen work station with working tools and a brown coffee mug.
In digital marketing world, what is trending today may not be trending by tomorrow. The fast pace of these trends can at times be quite amazing. That is primarily due to the fact that the world of digital marketing is constantly evolving.  As a marketer, you must be conversant with this trend if you want to stay relevant in the business. You must routinely re-examine your current strategies and evaluate them in terms of their future relevance. Intensify what works well and discard what doesn’t. That is one great way to stay relevant in the highly competitive world of digital marketing.

Expert marketers have identified some notable trends which may be phased out due to less effectiveness. These are:

Marketing Automation

Customers now recognize that marketing automation lacks human touch and they find that unattractive. Not many people like dealing with programmed machines like autoresponders which are not as smart as chatbots. Personally, I don’t. It helps a great deal to make your customers feel that they are highly valued and each one of them matters. Wholesale marketing automation denies them that. The reason it is fast losing appeal.

Texts Optimization

Texts optimization used to be mostly for SEO purposes only. Now, Search Engines are becoming smarter and their algorithms keep changing very frequently. Because of this, the rules of optimization keep changing across the board. If you get caught in their web, the punitive actions could be very devastating for your business. The reason it has become extremely risky to just be playing around with texts optimization. It is fast losing appeal particularly with newbies in digital marketing. 


Shallow Blogging 

A good blog is expected to have great content which is informative, educating and even entertaining. If your blog lacks this, it can hardly make impact in the highly competitive business of blogging. It is no longer any blog but blogs with enough depth in the subject matter to help readers solve problems. Without enough depth, a blog reader may not go beyond a few seconds on your blog post to see if there is something different on offer. The world is now moving towards more innovative digital marketing ideas which bank high on quality. Shallow blogs now don’t stand any chance at all. The real reason they are losing out of appeal.

Long Video Ads

As things stand today, shorter videos have taken precedence over the longer ones because marketers have since discovered that shorter videos are more marketable. Popular video giants like YouTube have quickly latched on to that. They now have a preference for hyper-short video ads particularly the ones which adhere to tight time constraints. Experts now recommend ads in the 6-10 seconds bracket for commercials to match the unfolding future digital marketing trends. Exactly why long video ads are fast losing appeal!

Organic Reach on Facebook 

Due to abuse and loss of ads revenue, Facebook has severely limited by way of changes in algorithm the organic search of posts particularly on business pages. Chances are, it could be phased out completely in no distant time. Facebook now prioritizes meaningful conversations or points of interactions between closely related individuals over posts generated from business pages.

From the look of things right now, going forward demands a change in strategy and there is no better time than now to reinvent yourself and your digital marketing business. Get kicking!


Tuesday, April 16, 2019

6 Ways to Convert Your Website Visitors to Customers

Online work table with a computer, notepads, folded eye glasses and a glass of water.
  The first significant aim of any online marketer is to drive traffic to his/her website. Bearing in mind that your website visitors are just getting to know you the first time they land on your website, it’s not enough to simply drive traffic. You must ensure that their first impression is a good one, and that what you offer is attractive enough to keep bringing them back. If visitors simply come to your site without taking any further action on your website and indeed making a purchase, what you have are mere visitors instead of customers which you really need. What you can do is some quick optimization on your website to transform visitors into repeat buying customers. That takes some efforts which you must be ready to make to put your website in the right shape to convert visitors to customers. Note carefully that none of these ways must stand alone if you want good results. To be effective, they need to be used strategically together to match your customer journey from introduction to sale. That requires some marketing skills because in reality, it takes dedication and time to build worthwhile, long-term relationships.

Here are some 6 tested and proven ways to convert visitors with relative ease.

01. Making Your Website Attractive

First, be sure your website is easy to use and user-friendly thereby making it very attractive to users. You must therefore invest in its design and deployment. Since quality design starts with the user experience, you’ve got to make sure your website is easy to navigate and user-friendly. You can add smart search functionality, streamlining the checkout process, and optimizing the mobile experience to make it attractive to all classes of users. That is the main reason you need quality website design because it generally takes a few seconds for users to form an opinion about your website. The design plays some role in helping them to decide whether or not they are staying or leaving. 


02. Improving Your Website Loading Speed

 Loading speed is also very important. Having settled for a good design, you can then boost the performance of the site. The faster the site loads, the better it is at increasing your sales. A professional website developer can help increase the loading speed of your site if you are unable to do it yourself by working on reducing the sizes of the images on the site, porting to a good Web Host and tinkering with your CDN, Content Delivery Network.

03. Improving Your Customer Support

This is rather obvious. The better you treat your customers, the more patronage you get from them. Quick and timely response to customer concerns helps keep customers. The use of auto-responders on your website can be very helpful for your customer support efforts. Anytime your site visitors have questions and concerns, it somehow gets in the way of their buying decisions. The quicker and faster you address these concerns, the faster they make their buying decisions. If it habitually takes you too long to address customer concerns, many simply move elsewhere in search of their needs.

04. Having a Captivating Landing Page

What your site needs is not just a landing page, but a “call-to-action” landing page. That is what helps in the conversion process. No doubt you are aware that Landing Pages are single, direct pages that encourage users to take a specific action. They help provide the “bait” and when the visitor “bites”, you simply get yourself a new customer. Landing pages are really useful to increase email lists, signups, social sharing, giving out gifts and eBooks, discount coupons and so many other token items which help to arrest the attention of visitors getting them to act in a predictable way.

05. Working on Your Click-Through-Rates, CTR

A CTR is a very smart way to measure your site users’ activities on your website. It usually results from a very clear invitation to some form of benefit or reward tucked away somewhere in your website. An effective CTR occurs when users know what exactly is in it for them if they honour your Call-To-Action, CTA. If they know before hand, they are more likely to take real action to get it. Hyper-specific Call-To-Actions, CTAs like “Click here for your discount code” have been known to work wonders in landing pages and even blog posts to generate high CTRs.

06. Integrating a Blog

These days, nearly every online marketer is into content marketing or direct blogging. Everyone out there online is looking for information and people get attracted to where they get information which helps them to take informed decisions. Integrating a blog in your website can serve that purpose. When people trust and respect the information your blog provides, that helps to convey some form of authority. That is the attraction which keeps people coming back for more. That way, with a smart call to action, CTA, you can convert such visitors to customers.


Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Free and Easy to Use SEO Tools Every Blogger Needs

Artistic Digital marketing graphics.
If you are a blogger, you must be aware that digital marketers have discovered that search engine optimization SEO, is one of the most important components of every digital marketing strategy. Every blogger needs SEO in most efforts to improve a website or blog’s organic search ranking. What that means is the much needed traffic to the site. Not every blogger can afford to pay for SEO tools so many really go for the free tools some of which are for measurements and others for monitoring. It need not be overemphasized why monitoring is extremely important for every website/blog owner. The reasons are rather very obvious. The following are some free tools which readily come in handy for every blogger to use.

Google Analytics

This is readily one of the most popular free web tools at the moment. When integrated on your site, it enables you to easily comprehend the organic as well as other traffic flows to the site. It allows you to compare the past performance in a better way. With the data it generates, you can easily notice any changes in your site traffic. Such information enables you take decisions to ameliorate the causative problem or to eliminate it all together. Great tool no doubt!

Google Search Console

This is an instrument that gives you the ability to visualize how your site may appear in a search and how to impact with other appearance components. With the information it provides, you can at any time decide to rejig or juggle your site appearances until you get what works best before you adopt. The tool also lets you get the information on your top search queries, landing pages, countries and how it performs across devices and web browsers. In addition, it advises you on various mistakes that happen from website crawls by Search Engine bots and recommends HTML improvements. Another great tool no doubt.

Bing Webmaster Tools

Because of the very large share by Google, about 65% of search results, many marketers tend to neglect the Bing search engine which houses over 20% of the Internet’s search traffic. For that reason, experts also recommend the use of Bing Webmaster Tools as a decent method to keep a tab on how your webpage is dealing with Bing. This tool also offers benefits beyond Bing by providing insights into crawling, indexation, on-page keyword optimization, and other components that can affect your performance even in Google. This is one more great free tool to have and use for your marketing efforts if you are eager to run with the pros.