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Showing posts with label Duplication. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Duplication. Show all posts

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Best Income-Earning Opportunities to Focus on in SFI Business

Dollar bills spilling out from computer screen.
My take on this issue is very simple. Just lead by example. If you have perfected how to duplicate and you are very familiar with and have experienced the awesome benefits of duplication, it is easy to convince your downline to do same. The surest way to get your affiliates to follow your duplication trail is by showing them how you are doing it then encourage them to do same. You can do this best by using your team mail messages to regularly explain to your team members how you are getting on and the awesome benefits you are getting in SFI all because of your duplication efforts.

Mention concrete examples and refer them to the blog in your leadership page where you regularly publish your achievements and milestones. As the saying goes, “seeing is believing.” If your affiliates are able to “see” what you are doing, it becomes very easy to convince them to do same. For that reason, when it comes to matters of duplication, you must at all times do all the things you want your affiliates to also do. If they manage to do as you expect them to, that gives you all the assurances you need that duplication will take place among those you sponsor.

All methods, systems, tips and tricks which work very well for you should be made easily available to your downline. Encourage feedback from your downline and lead with praises, corrections and tips to move them to do much better than they are doing. That to my mind is the best way you can be reassured that duplication happens in those you sponsor.

Good luck!!!!

Friday, February 17, 2017

Most Important Goal to Set in SFI Business

Home business projected out of a computer screen.
For me, I have a very ambitious plan to earn my major income in SFI from my duplication efforts. That is what informed the goals I set for myself. The most important of the goals I have set for my SFI business is to have 5 active PSAs in 12 months who will be at least EA2 in rank. 
Here is why:

1. With a plan to recruit 20 PSAs per month that adds up to 240.

2. Of this number, 20 may work the business and be active.

3. From this 20, 5 could make Team Leaders which is very good for my duplication efforts.

4. If the 5 can repeat what I have done myself, my downline may get to 125 active PSAs within the period.

5. When that happens, I believe I will be able to earn passable and attractive passive-income from my efforts within the period.

These are the facts which informed my setting this goal as the most important goal for my SFI business.

Best SFI LaunchPad Lessons

Internet business work station with a lone computer.
From my own perspective, all SFI LaunchPad lessons are very good lessons for anyone who wants to succeed in the business. However, when taken all together, I believe lesson of day 19, “How much can I make?” is about the best for the following reasons:

1. Everyone I know in SFI business (and that includes my humble self) is in the business to make money so that lesson is very apt.
2. The lesson tells you what you need to do to make money.
3. It tells you that you’ll get out of SFI what you put into it.
4. It tells you that SFI works if you do.
5. The lesson reveals to you that you are in control and it’s up to you how far you take the business.
6. It shows you and offers you the opportunity to earn residual income.
7. That basically means that for the work you do today, you have the potential to earn money not only for today but also for years to come.
8. The lesson teaches you how to use “leveraging” or duplication for maximum effects to make money.
9. The lesson amazingly reveals to you how duplication and global networking helps all SFI affiliates to make money 24/7.
10. It shows you how everyone helps everyone else in the same team to make money every hour of every day at SFI.


Sunday, February 12, 2017

How to Convince New Affiliates about Daily Actions in SFI Business

Affiliates marketing work station with a computer, notepad, flash drive and a wallet.
To convince new affiliates about the importance of logging in at the Affiliate Center every day, tell them your own story. Tell them what logging into the Affiliate Center daily does for you and your own business. Tell them the benefits you derive by logging in daily and that they too can get the same benefits if they do same. Let them know of the following benefits derivable from logging in at the Affiliate Center every day. 


1. You get to know firsthand what is new in SFI through SFI news offering at the center.
2. You get urgent information about your business at the center.
3. You review the tabs therein and earn free VersaPoints.
4. You see the latest products additions at Tripleclicks.
5. You enter for Daily Grand draws at the center.
6. You get notifications/business tips about what you need to do to advance your business.
7. You see how your earnings progress at the scoreboard.
8. You get to see the overall growth of SFI worldwide.
9. You get notifications about how to enter Zebra games and Daily Grand draws.
10. You see your goals and your progress in achieving them.
11. You get to see your a2a friends’ requests and messages from a2a friends.
12. You receive mails from SFI, your upline, downline and ECAs.
13. You get to see how your PSAs and CSAs are making progress in their business.
14. You communicate with your downline from the Affiliate Center.
15. You see how much progress you are making by your VersaPoints stack up.
16. You read up a lot of literature about duplication, promotion, advertising, and your entire business.
17. You see how the medals you are earning stack up.
18. You participate in Ask SC/forums from your Affiliate Center.
19. You can track your advertising at the Affiliate Center.
20. You get to know at the Affiliate Center what auctions are going on and the time others are scheduled. 


These are just a few of the direct benefits you get from logging in at the Affiliate Center daily which can help you convince new affiliates to do same. In fact new affiliates must be made to understand that the engine room for each SFI affiliate is the Affiliate Center. That center also serves as a virtual Business Office where you run your entire business. Not logging in there is akin to not going to your office daily. The importance of logging in at the Affiliate Center everyday can therefore not be over emphasized for any new affiliate who is sufficiently serious about his/her business.